
Alzheimer’s disease afflicts 5.4 million Americans, and a new diagnosis is made every 68 seconds. The occurance of Alzheimer’s disease doubles every five years beyond age 65, and nearly half of 85 year-old persons have the condition. Dementia caregivers bear a terrible brunt of the disease. Denial, guilt, loss, financial burden, depression, isolation, fear of the unknown, fractured relationship, and other factors can destroy a family structure. Unfortunately, few caregivers seek the help they need in dealing with these and other issues, and many of them indirectly succumb to the disease before their care partners do.

As a therapist in Tuscaloosa with a concern for the caregiver, Bob, along with a board certified neurologist, has developed the IV Pillars Model© a new and innovative approach designed to address the specific needs of the Alzheimer’s caregiver. Because of their focus on their loved one with Alzheimer’s, many of these caregivers need counseling for depression and anxiety.

The goal of the therapy is improve their interaction with their loved one. Different than most guides that offer information about the disease, The IV Pillars Model© provides ways to maintain the personhood of the caregiver and patient. The therapy involves approximately four or five therapy sessions. If you are interested in more information, give Bob a call at 205-523-5752.

Potts, D. C., Swindall, A., Montgomery, R.W. (2012) The IV Pillars Model.

Resources for Alzheimer’s Dementia